Symbol NTC (Nepal Doorsanchar Comapany Limited)
Fiscal Year 072-073
Announcement Detail Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited proclaim its 8th AGM going to be held on Baisakh 20, 2073.
Announcement Date 2016/04/10 AD (2072/12/28 BS)
Tags AGM   
Agenda Financial Highlight for the fiscal year 2071/72, Appointment of Auditor, Cash Dividend-50%, Others.
Bookclose Date 2016/04/17 AD (2073/01/05 BS)
% Cash Dividend
% Bonus Share
Right Share Ratio
Date 2016/05/02 AD (2073/01/20 BS)
Venue Tribhuvan Army Officer's Club, Tudikhel, Kathmandu.
Time 11:00 AM