Symbol SGIC (Sanima GIC Insurance Limited)
Fiscal Year 080-081
Announcement Detail Sanima GIC Insurance Limited has proclaimed its 7th AGM going to be held on Chaitra 21, 2081 and has published its annual financial statement for the fiscal year 2080/81
Announcement Date 2025/03/11 AD (2081/11/27 BS)
Tags AGM    Cash Dividend    Bonus Share    Book closure    Financial Statement   
Agenda Financial Highlights of FY2080/81, Appointment of Auditors for the FY2081/82, Cash Dividend, Bonus Share, Increment on Issued/Paid-Up Capital, Amendment on Issuance of 17% Right Share, Amendment on Articles/Memorandum, Book Closure and Miscellaneous.
Bookclose Date 2025/03/21 AD (2081/12/08 BS)
% Cash Dividend 0.39
% Bonus Share 7.5
Right Share Ratio 1:0.17
Date 2025/04/03 AD (2081/12/21 BS)
Venue Amritbhog, Kalikasthan, Kathmandu
Time 11:00 AM